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Graphic showing the principle of the condensing technology tetraSchwank.

Heating commercial buildings

Commercial spaces such as factory floors, workshops and warehouses require efficient and effective heating to make sure that staff and…

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Infrared gas heaters are used in football stadiums.

The purpose of outdoor infrared heaters

Outdoor infrared heaters can be used to reshape and utilise the outdoor spaces of restaurants, pubs and other hospitality venues…

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A Schwank chiller for cooling buildings in industry and trade

The need for the cooling of industrial buildings

The UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has recorded significant rises in temperature over the first quarter of 2022. The…

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Schwank's tube heaters are connected to the hybridSchwank hydro condensing system.

There’s no need to waste energy

An early post on Schwank’s ErP Compliance blog observed that “One example of EU legislation that achieves almost universal acceptance…

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Why heating with tube heaters is so energy-efficient?

Basically, tube heaters can be used almost anywhere where the ceiling height is over 4 metres. However, they are mainly…

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What is the significance of the ErP Directive for industrial heating systems?

The ErP Directive is an EU directive written by the European Commission. ErP stands for "Energy-related Products". This directive aims to improve the environmental performance of different products across Europe by setting minimum requirements for environmentally sound design during manufacture, use and disposal. It is also known as the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC.

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