Industrial electric infrared heaters – efficient & environmentally friendly heating

Use the advantages of electric infrared heaters for your building.

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Electric infrared heaters are an effective solution for sustainable and climate-neutral heating. They are characterised by their very good price-performance ratio. As electric infrared heaters are powered 100% by electricity, they do not require any additional work on the building, such as flue gas ducts. Furthermore, electric infrared heaters do not cause any direct emissions and with their robust construction they also require minimal maintenance.

Because eSchwank heaters are decentralised heating systems, they generate heat exactly where it is needed. Electric heaters work according to the infrared principle, are characterised by high efficiency, and are considered 100% renewable.

Product Overview

Schwank industrial electric heaters

eSchwank, S series 9000-18000

Electric infrared heaters

eSchwank S-Series is the most powerful industrial electric radiant heater in its class, enabling economical, comfortable and 100% climate-neutral (with…

eSchwank, H-Series 3000-6000

Electric infrared heaters

The eSchwank H-Series is one of the renewable heating systems. Its high energy efficiency makes it a powerful industrial electric…

eSchwank D-Series 2200-4500

Electric infrared heaters

The eSchwank D-Series is one of the renewable heating systems among infrared heaters. This is made possible on the one…

eSchwank, EZ-2000

Electric infrared heaters

The eSchwank EZ-2000 is one of the renewable heating systems. It is the perfect choice for open outdoor areas with…

Hybrid solutions

Optimal industrial heating system from Schwank

Hybrid heating systems are defined as a combination of several systems, e.g. electric radiant heating in combination with tube heaters, heat pumps, plaque heaters, warm air heaters or radiant ceiling panels. Schwank has a large infrared industrial heating product range.

An industrial heating system from Schwank is always adapted to the application, installation possibilities and the actual heat requirement. The eSchwank products are divided into 4 categories: they differ in their outputs, sizes and thus suspension heights.
eSchwank is suitable for heating big buildings in industry, commerce, logistics as well as for sports facilities and workshops.

TH – Tube Heaters, HP – Heat Pumps, E-IR – Electric Infrared Heaters

Photo: Industrial Hybrid Heating Systems

Advantages of the Schwank industrial electric infrared heaters

Added value of electric infrared heaters for industry and commerce

Here are six reasons why industrial electric radiant heaters are compelling:

  • Targeted heat: Radiant heaters do not heat the entire air volume, but rather heat objects and people directly. This improves efficiency since less energy is required for the heating up period.
  • Quick heating: Electric radiant heaters provide prompt heat as they do not require any time to warm up the air. This is particularly useful in buildings where fast heating is required.
  • No air movement: In contrast to forced air convection (e.g., warm air heaters), radiant heaters do not cause air movement raising dust or particles.
  • Zonal heating control: Radiant heaters can be installed in different zones offering the possibility to heat individual areas separately, and on demand.
  • Minimal heat loss: As heat hits the surfaces directly, the heat loss through walls or ceilings is significantly less than with traditional heating systems.
  • Low maintenance: Schwank electric radiant heaters have no moving parts. Heating elements can be easily exchanged if required.

Properties of the industrial electric heaters

The principle of electric infrared heaters explained simply

The principle of electric heaters

How does an industrial electric infrared heater work?

The principle behind every electric infrared heater is simple: The heater converts electrical energy into infrared radiation, which then hits the illuminated surfaces and is converted into heat there. The heat is not transferred through the air but is emitted directly to the objects or people. This means that there is no heat loss. This creates a balanced microclimate of air and radiant heat that is perceived as very pleasant.




Schwank industrial electric radiant heater information

For end users, installers and engineers

Everything you should know about industrial electric heaters with infrared.

Find out all the exciting details about the efficient and 100% renewable energy technology of our electric heaters.

Case studies

Schwank industrial heating and cooling solutions in use

At a Glance

News from Schwank

Schwank North America celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Company, News

As part of a global family business, Schwank North America provides energy-efficient infrared heating and ventilation systems for commercial and industrial buildings. The company offers an extensive line of HVAC systems and also provides design and consultation services to ensure customers receive a high level of comfort, energy savings, and quality.

Schwank wins prestigious award for innovation

Company, News

stern magazine has recognised innovative leaders among mid-sized companies, and Schwank is not to be missed. All German medium-sized companies that submitted at least five patents were included in the evaluation. On the list of 500 companies from 30 sectors - from drive technology to equipment manufacturing - Schwank is in the heating, ventilation and cooling category.

eSchwank – the most powerful electric heaters for industry 

Company, News

The heating specialist Schwank has added another climate-neutral product to its portfolio, by launching an innovative, powerful, electric infrared heater. The new device has been specially developed to meet the demanding requirements of industrial and commercial buildings in regard to the EU Net-Zero Industry Act goals.

The European Patent Office has now officially granted the patent for the first industrial hydrogen heater, geniumSchwank

Company, News

This heater is not only the first of its kind worldwide, but the technology is considered so unique that it has been protected by the patent office.

Electric radiant heaters

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Schwank UK

Schwank Ltd.

Unit D2, Armthorpe Business Park
Durham Lane
Doncaster DN3 3DY

+44 [0] 208 641 3900

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